I am excited to have worked with Mike Peters, a professional voice actor with two decades in braodcast media and production, to make Spoken come alive as an audiobook. Soak in the story of high school freshman Roman Santi, whose life gets turned upside down when he is forced to leave his pampered Hollywood lifestyle and move into his grandparents' Midwestern home. At his new high school he joins the Spoken Word Club. As reviewer Elizabeth Levinson writes:
"While it seems he mostly joins the club because of a girl, he clearly belongs there. In the club, he finds his voice and in his friend, Zuzu, he finds a trusting confidant to whom he can reveal a family secret he has previously kept to himself. Zuzu sets out on a plan to set things right for Roman, but only by unleashing his poetic voice is he able to finally achieve his dream."
You can download the audiobook via Audible, just visit this website's Home Page and click on the link for Spoken.